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Members of the Executive Board

Vladimir Vukotić

Chairman of Executive board and Chief Executive Officer


Vladimir started his carrier in development finance in Opportunity International in Montenegro
in 1999, where while working as a loan officer in 2000 he gave an initial idea and has taken
part in writing a proposal for starting a microfinance bank in Novi Sad. After the proposal had
been accepted he has relocated and together with two colleges from Opportunity
Montenegro jump started Opportunity Bank Serbia (OBS) in 2002.
From the start he was heading bank’s micro lending division, while in 2009 he took over as
Bank’s Chief Operating Officer in charge of business development. He masterminded
strategic repositioning of OBS from universal SME bank that it once was, to provider of
financial services for the financially excluded, a market niche with almost no competitors.
Under his guidance, OBS invented completely new markets for the Serbian banking industry,
such as financing subsistence mixed-income farmers, low income pensioners and microbusiness startups.
Vladimir took over as Bank’s CEO in early 2014. Besides being an Graduate from University
of Novi Sad, Faculty of Economics Subotica Vladimir holds Executive MBA from the Sheffield
University, UK. Vladimir is married and has two daughters.

Rajko Maljković

Member of the Executive Board and Chief Financial and Banking Operations Officer


Rajko started to work in 2000 as support for Information System in Port of Bar (Montenegro).
In 2003 he moved to work for Opportunity in Novi Sad as programmer, from 2006 continued as IT Manager and from 2014 as Head of Operations. During that period he had significant impact on adapting IT services to fit business needs, building back office functions by developing people and processes, and completing number of implementation and migration
projects. Rajko was appointed to the Executive Board as a member responsible for operations in 2019. He was born in Livno (Bosnia and Hercegovina) on 18th November 1974. He obtained Master degree in Electronics and Communications at the University of Novi Sad (Serbia) and MBA at
the University of Sheffield (UK). Rajko is married with 3 children.

Novak Rakočević

Member of the Executive Board and Chief Risk Officer


Throughout the entire career, he has been engaged in helping and supporting micro and small businesses and agriculture households, first in Pro Credit Bank as a loan officer in 2005 and later as a Small Business Department specialist. His engagement in Opportunity Bank Serbia
started in 2010 when he was hired as the Head of Business Program, later progressing to the position of Head of Business Development Sector and from 2017 serving in the Executive
Board as a member responsible for business development.
Born in Novi Sad on 8th May 1980, where he graduated from the Faculty of Economics, Department for Finance Management and Accounting. In addition, he holds Master’s degree in business administration at the University of Sheffield UK. Married with three children.

Slobodan Smiljković

Member of the Executive Board and  Business Development Officer


Slobodan’s career at 3Bank began in 2009. He very quickly advanced to the position of Regional Director and Business Program Manager, and was later promoted to the position of Deputy Head and then Head of Business Development Sector. His professional advancement through various job positions enabled him to gain knowledge of the entire life cycle of credit products. For three years, he successfully managed the Bank’s business network and was responsible for the realization of its business goals. As a Head of Business Development Sector, he made a key contribution to the business strategy planning through product development, digital services improvement and market expansion while ensuring high quality services to clients. Strategically focused on results, with the recognition of potential risks, innovative, both processes and people oriented.

Slobodan graduated from the Faculty of Economics in Subotica, and as a promoter of lifelong learning and professional development, he attended a series of trainings that supported his work progress. He is married and has two children. He plays sports recreationally.

Members of the Board of Directors

Andrew Pospielovsky


Frazer Hume


Georg Christoph von Carlowitz


Timothy Crijns – Gordinou de Gouberville


Jelena Bulatović


Zorica Stevanović


Goran Bašić
